Arwa Mokdad
Arwa Mokdad is a Middle East analyst focusing on regionalism in the Gulf economically, politically, and culturally. Currently, she is a DPhil candidate researching conflict mediation within Yemen at the University of Oxford. Her work focuses on local, regional, and international peace-building efforts within Yemen. By emphasizing both the security interests of regional actors and the local buy-in necessary for sustainable peace, her research brings peace and security studies within dialogue. She has worked and lived extensively in the MENA region, including a non-profit in Oman and refugee camps in Lebanon. Her work experience includes NGOs (Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation) and think tanks (the International Center for Dialogue Initiatives). Her articles have been featured in the Harvard Middle East Journal, Responsible Statecraft, and the New Arab. Arwa holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington in International Studies with a speciality in Human Rights.