Mr. Abdelrahman Mohamed is a Sudanese American and resident in Houston, Texas. Mr. Mohamed works as an economic analyst and researcher in the oil and gas sector, as well as the political economy and energy issues. Mr. Mohamed writes for a number of newspapers and news sites and participates in dialogue and analytical programs on a number of channels including Al -Hurra, Russia Today, and Al- Jazeera. He has a BA in engineering from the University of Khartoum, and an MA from the Claremont Graduate University, California.

Ahmed A. Elsheikh is a Geologist. He works as adjunct professor at University of Missouri Science and Technology. He also a founder and CEO of Bara Geophysical Services (BGS). BGS offers advanced non-invasive geophysical solutions for governmental agencies and private entities. Ahmed published 20+ articles in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings focusing on water issues and earthquakes seismology. Ahmed got his B.S. from University of Khartoum, Sudan and his Ph.D. from University of Missouri Science and Technology, USA.

Arwa Mokdad is a Middle East analyst focusing on regionalism in the Gulf economically, politically, and culturally. Currently, she is a DPhil candidate researching conflict mediation within Yemen at the University of Oxford. Her work focuses on local, regional, and international peace-building efforts within Yemen. By emphasizing both the security interests of regional actors and the local buy-in necessary for sustainable peace, her research brings peace and security studies within dialogue. She has worked and lived extensively in the MENA region, including a non-profit in Oman and refugee camps in Lebanon. Her work experience includes NGOs (Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation) and think tanks (the International Center for Dialogue Initiatives). Her articles have been featured in the Harvard Middle East Journal, Responsible Statecraft, and the New Arab. Arwa holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington in International Studies with a speciality in Human Rights.

is a GIS specialist who uses maps to understand how the world works. He worked as a research assistant for the School of Public Policy and Government, University of Arizona. His research focused on using technologies like GIS and data analytics to understand political violence presence and promote sustainable peace. His work was presented on many international forums including The International Cartographic Conference (ICC), Esri User Conference, and the International Cartographic Association. Mohamed holds two master degrees: M.A. in Strategic Studies from the Institute of Research & Strategic Studies, and M.S. in Geographic Information Systems Technologies (GIS) from University of Arizona USA, and B.Sc Surveying Engineering from the University of Khartoum-Sudan.

Noaman Madibbo is a research specialist in risk management focusing on compliance and due diligence. Concurrently he is also a graduate student at the George Washington University pursuing a master’s degree in International Business. His work experience has encompassed a variety of fields, also including internships at democracy promoting NGOs such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and think tanks such as the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) in Washington, D.C. His interests include comparative politics, political theory, and international trade, and aims to focus his research on the intersection between public policy and private sector. Madibbo holds a bachelor’s degree with Honors in International Politics and Economics from the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University.

Is a Postgraduate at the University of Cambridge where he reads African Studies. His main area of research focuses on political cleavages and grievances of sub-groups can lead to conflict. He has conducted fieldwork in a variety of countries including Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoire, Morocco, among others. He has written on international politics and conflict in sub-Saharan Africa for a wide variety of publications including The Diplomat, The New Humanitarian, African Arguments, The Mail & Guardian, among others. He holds a bachelor’s degree with Honors in International Politics and African Studies from the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University. He is based in Cambridge, England.

is the founder of the Red Sea Initiative. His research focuses on the growing influence of Middle Eastern counties in the Horn of Africa. He follows current dynamics that are shaping political transitions across the Red Sea region. His research focus has partially developed from his work experiences across East Africa and the Middle East. Mr Zaidan is doing his Ph.D. studies at the University of Washington in Seattle. He earned an M.A. in statecraft and national security affairs from the Institute of World Politics in Washington D.C. that focused on a comparative national security system. He received his undergraduate degree in electrical engineering at the University of Khartoum in Sudan in 2012. He published several articles in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, the World Politics Review, Inside Arabia and the National Interest.