Arwa Mokdad, RSI research fellow, writes a piece titled, “Despite Nine Years of War, Yemeni Women Are Creating New Spaces for Empowerment” about how Yemeni women have adapted to the
By: Yasir Zaidan Disinformation refers to intentionally false information spread to mislead or manipulate public opinion. It's a calculated strategy used for military, commercial, or strategic objectives, often through channels
admin1 year ago
Noaman Mousa, RSI research fellow, pens a piece titled, “Ambivalence About Sudan’s Conflict: A Blessing in Disguise? ” about Sudan's current conflict that erupted in Khartoum on April 15. The views
admin1 year ago
Yasir Zaidan, RSI founder and fellow, writes a piece titled, “U.S. Sudan Sanctions Won’t Work Without the UAE’s Help,” about the United States move to impose sanctions on senior leaders of the
admin1 year ago
Sudan’s fragile and new-born democracy is more vulnerable because of the Middle East and Horn of Africa regional dynamics. Sudan’s transition is the subject of increasing interest to the Gulf